This is my screencast I made about login and using facebook. While deciding what to use as my subject, my mother called me on the phone. The reason for her call was to ask me a few questions about starting her facebook. My mom has been an educator for as long as I have been alive. So her call is what lead me to my idea. To most people facebook is easy as breathing. HOwever to some older adults it may be a little confusing. So my screencast is just a simple step by step cast about how to long into facebook and and how to move around in it. I really enjoyed this assginment, however I need to practice in screencasting before using it in the classroom. WHich I plan to do so, because this can be an awesome tool for students.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Wizard of What???
This video was very informative. I really enjoyed how this was delivered. The Wizard of Apps was a bit long, but i did learn alot of new information. Leaving a good ditgal footprint is very important to me. I didn't know how to check what information was out there. I'm glad now I know about 123people, and pple. It said that just simply googling your name is not enough. I had never heard about alot of the cites mentioned in this video. I will use majority of them somewhere in my teaching. I think the mind map is an awesome webcite for students to brainstorm. Also the teachers are able to see their progress. I will also make sure my students know that just googling a subject and staying on the first page is not enough. First they must do a vertical search, then a horizontal search, and last a mind map. A mind map search will allow the students to see much more information pertaining to their topic.
I plan to use the google news time line in my classroom also. This will be extremely helpful when students need information about a certain event or person. A couple things that I want to look more into are: WolframeAlpha, GIGO, RSS feeds.
WHen I went to the tool website I was very pleased with what I saw. I didn't just visit one area. I went to: RSS, How to make an avitar, best for best practices for literacy education. I learned alot on all these sites. I made the main website a favorite on my browser. The ultility was awesome on all the ones I looked at. Each one has a step by step instruction.
I plan to use the google news time line in my classroom also. This will be extremely helpful when students need information about a certain event or person. A couple things that I want to look more into are: WolframeAlpha, GIGO, RSS feeds.
WHen I went to the tool website I was very pleased with what I saw. I didn't just visit one area. I went to: RSS, How to make an avitar, best for best practices for literacy education. I learned alot on all these sites. I made the main website a favorite on my browser. The ultility was awesome on all the ones I looked at. Each one has a step by step instruction.
Digiteen take 2
In this video, Digiteen, I most liked the little video on texting while driving. I am a believer in not texting while driving. However sometimes I do participate in this activity. I was shocked by the information that was compared to DUIs. More wrecks are caused by texting rather that driving drunk. WHen the students were learning about social networking, it made me become anixous about my photos that are online. I don't think any of mine are inappropriate. However it still made me worry. I will try to remember this for when I am a teacher. There is alot about online acitvty that students need to be warned and taught about. I agree with the students that having internet in the classrooms is a must. This allows the students to stay connect with different groups overseas. For example in the case wikispaces. I am thankful that Wes taught us about picture theft. It is a big deal and even this video mentions it. This is a topic that students probably don't think before they act. This video shows the overall importance of online activity and that students are willing to take the time to learn about it.
Project learning take 2
While watching the project learning video I was reminded of a non-fiction book that I read not to long age. The book was Chasing Vermeer. The teacher in this book had views about education that relates to the project based learning. I think I is an awesome program. I love how it engages the students to think critically about subjects that they are interested in. ONe student said that it has opened her horizens!! This is a whole new aspect of hand on learing for sure. THe students are collaborating in such a way that is not common in the normal classroom. ONe of the administrators said that this type of learning has been around since Piaget. However Piaget didn't have the technology advances as we have today!!!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
unit plan
Here is my unit plan. I am very excited about it!! I have been stressing over this last assignment. I feel relieved for it to be completed. Please take a look at my unit plan on insects.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Petcha Kutcha
I think insects are so interesting. I picked this topic for my petcha kuchta in order for my unit plan. I wanted to intergrade this petcha kuchta/voicethread into my unit plan. This way I can prove that I have learned how to intergrate the curriculum form our t4t class. There is about forty facts about insects. This is centered for thrid graders, so please keep in mind the curriclum is aimed for young children.

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Smart Sam reflection
Watching this video about a thirteen year of girl named Sam made me realize how much I don't know about technology. However I did learn from this young girl. Everyone has to learn sometime and somehow. Sam learns new networks by trial and error. She said that she just goes until she messes up and then do again til she gets it right. I have never played world of war craft but it looks very fun and interesting. I guess if kids are into it, I need to get into it also. I love how Sam's mother used her daughter as a resource at the university. I am going to try to get more involved in technology. This will benefit my students and myself. She was so creative in alot of different areas. I also think it is important that Sam still went outside to take care of her dogs. With all the new technology out there alot of kids are staying inside on the computers. I will always remember to stress the importance of sunshine.
t4t_monica link to goolge webstie
Here is the link for my goolge web page that I created: t4t_monice
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Telling a story in five photos!
Here is my digital story telling in five photos!! I posted it to the t4t blog but I don't know if I'm supposed to post it to my blog also. So I am doing it just in case.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
practice power point "pretty flower"
I love flowers. Every year I have a huge flower bed filled with many different kinds of flowers. Take a look!!!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Goolge doc quiz about favorite candy
It was alot of fun making the quiz in google docs. I am very pleased to see how easy it is to move around in google docs. For some reason I am having troubleshooting with making this a link. SO I had to do it this way. At least you can see that I did one on week nine.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
week six reflection
Week 6 Class SummeryAt the beginning of class we went over some of the complaints we all had about the class. One of the things Mr. Fryer said he would do to help us would be to not put videos in our assignments that are no longer than twenty minutes except for this week. We watched two videos this week. The first video called Digital Nation (pruning) channel asked the question “Do you think students brains are different today because of media and technology?” We spent some time answering that question and one of the responses were “yes, it’s a new way of learning and communication.” The second video we watched was called Old School, New School and it talked about how we need to be entertainers to our students. More students are unable to focus because everything is at their fingertips with technology. There was a suggestion that we need to be the bridges between the two ways of teaching. We then went over how to post your voicethread on Blogger. Professor Fryer then gave a presentation on how to use search on Google. We went over some key words and what they mean in internet terms such as URL, and Quiry. We went over the steps on how to find something on a Google search page. At the end of class he set up a digital newspaper coarse learning portal called aggregator located on class blogger site. These were the main topics we covered in class this week.
andrea haynes and monica oldham
andrea haynes and monica oldham
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Comments and links
I am getting closer to finishing week two. Thanks goodness, I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Even though it's the third week of school. I'm talking about seeing the light of being able to complete my course work for each week.
I did comment on two childrens blogs. However my comments have not been accepted yet. Hopefully soon they will. The first blog I commented on was Room #3 learning Journey. I'm really excited to see if I will be able to chat with the students. Room4's 2009 is another bloggong site that I post a comment on. I'm waiting for the teacher to approve my post. They are in New Zealand. I think they just had there summer break. The students are going back on Feruary 5, 2010. I also commented o two of our classmates blogs. The post was a reflection about sex education and how the video she watch was not meeting Rbenge standards. I totally agreed with her opinion. The other blog that I commented on was about the Cameron video. Tiffany Edwards was the publisher.
I did comment on two childrens blogs. However my comments have not been accepted yet. Hopefully soon they will. The first blog I commented on was Room #3 learning Journey. I'm really excited to see if I will be able to chat with the students. Room4's 2009 is another bloggong site that I post a comment on. I'm waiting for the teacher to approve my post. They are in New Zealand. I think they just had there summer break. The students are going back on Feruary 5, 2010. I also commented o two of our classmates blogs. The post was a reflection about sex education and how the video she watch was not meeting Rbenge standards. I totally agreed with her opinion. The other blog that I commented on was about the Cameron video. Tiffany Edwards was the publisher.
Nafiza Knows All
As I watched the video: there are many ideas that I took away from it. I think its awesome how she helps the students use video games for educational purposes. For example the camps that the students can create for that country not only help them explore technology but also allow them to learn about that country. All the race issues and border issues with countries alnog side. I think its awesome that one girl can make such the difference. Nafiza even had the chance to judge the sites that were created.
I couldnt relate to the Digital Generation Youth Vidoe: Nafiza in some aspect, but I could in others. I do use my iPhone for an alarm clock. Also my iPod touch is always in my back pocket as well. I frequently check the status of my friends on face book as does Nafiza. I do agree with her in the fact that it is important to invovle the youth in technology. Specially when it contains material that will create a learning expirence. I love how she was able to help students cut certian clips. She hepled them with many other iems that has to do with the material. I admire her for her skills, and I too would hope I could do as she has done. Teaching students how to use certain aspects of technology.
As I admirred Nafiza and what she did. I contemplated if I would be able to do as she does. Mostly my answer was a big NO. I need to learn more about this new digtal age that we live in. My future students will be more inclined to learn if technology was in the classroom. It changes the whole persepective on teaching. I love it and I want to use it. I just need to know how to use it!!!!!
I couldnt relate to the Digital Generation Youth Vidoe: Nafiza in some aspect, but I could in others. I do use my iPhone for an alarm clock. Also my iPod touch is always in my back pocket as well. I frequently check the status of my friends on face book as does Nafiza. I do agree with her in the fact that it is important to invovle the youth in technology. Specially when it contains material that will create a learning expirence. I love how she was able to help students cut certian clips. She hepled them with many other iems that has to do with the material. I admire her for her skills, and I too would hope I could do as she has done. Teaching students how to use certain aspects of technology.
As I admirred Nafiza and what she did. I contemplated if I would be able to do as she does. Mostly my answer was a big NO. I need to learn more about this new digtal age that we live in. My future students will be more inclined to learn if technology was in the classroom. It changes the whole persepective on teaching. I love it and I want to use it. I just need to know how to use it!!!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Take a peek!!! WOW!!!
Watching the twenty minute video was such an eye opening event. I had no idea that a group of six year old could handle that amount of technology. That was the most shockong thing about the video. Six year olds know more about blogging than I do. I'm ashamed. Bravo to the teacher for her dedication in her classroom. You can tell teh students benefit from the exercises in the classroom. Another take away moment was when I realized that every subject area involed either a white board or the computer. Amazing!!!
This teacher that takes the time to do all the preparation is my idol. I want to strive to adopt her characteristics in my future classroom. Now I know it is possible to bring tech. in every grade. Kindergaten through high school. Everyone can learn from this way of teaching. The students in the class were not only learning the curriculm, they were learning how to blog and use the computer and white boards. WRLT- means we are learning to; everytime this showed up on the screen it was an indication tha t the students were learning how to use technology.
I do have a major concern with the classroom in the video. I know that the days in a classroom are numbered. Every minute counts when dealing with children and thier learning. The activites seemed to take alot of time. How in the world was she juggling time? The children had to blog daily, see how many followers there were over night or over the weekend. There was many other things the students had to take care of. With all the stresses of the teacher to cover certain materials, how would I incorporate everything. It seems that I would have to have extreme time crunches in the class room
This teacher that takes the time to do all the preparation is my idol. I want to strive to adopt her characteristics in my future classroom. Now I know it is possible to bring tech. in every grade. Kindergaten through high school. Everyone can learn from this way of teaching. The students in the class were not only learning the curriculm, they were learning how to blog and use the computer and white boards. WRLT- means we are learning to; everytime this showed up on the screen it was an indication tha t the students were learning how to use technology.
I do have a major concern with the classroom in the video. I know that the days in a classroom are numbered. Every minute counts when dealing with children and thier learning. The activites seemed to take alot of time. How in the world was she juggling time? The children had to blog daily, see how many followers there were over night or over the weekend. There was many other things the students had to take care of. With all the stresses of the teacher to cover certain materials, how would I incorporate everything. It seems that I would have to have extreme time crunches in the class room
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
After viewing the video of Cameron, there was many things I took away after watching. First and most important is that we as adults take for granted the possible of children knowing more than us in this new digital age. We need to let the children explore in order for them to teach themsevles. Teachers often are scared to try new technolgy in their classroom. Cameron many times helped his teachers through trouble shooting things. I realized in the video to allow children to help me in the classroom. Teachers should not feel threaten by techonlogy. I will use this in my own teaching. I will allow children in my classroom to get online and use their skills to advance them in this new age of technolgy.
Info about Monca2oldham
My name is Monica Oldham. I am a jr. here at school. I am very excited to graduate with my elementary education degree. The people in my life that are very important to me are as follows: My husband, Steven, my children, Haleigh and Jackson. Haleigh is six turning seven in next month. Jackson is only six months. The most difficult thing for me being in school is being away from Jackson during the day. I have always wanted to teach children. My family is filled with educators. My mother, grandfather, uncle, great grandmother have enjoyed teaching there entire lives. I plan on following their footsteps and shaping young mind as they did. Good luck to everyone!!!!! -monica
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